Custom Shadow Boxes
Our custom shadow boxes are designed with natural hardwoods in a variety of ways to compliment the shadow boxes and the woods used. These are truly unique in that there are no stains used with the exception of the helm. Only the finish applied brings out the natural tones and beauty of the woods. These are designed for a 3' by 5' flag. Please call or email for more information on products or your custom option. Double click to enlarge photo.
No delivery fees to SOCAL area.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 0800 - 1200 we are routinely in the San Diego area doing pick ups of shadow box items and deliveries. If you would like to meet give us a call 24 hrs in advance. 619-944-1693

Boatswain's Mate Crossed Anchors Shadow Box 2
Handsomely crafted this box features the crossed anchors hand carved/cut in walnut and oak. Box measures 24 inches approx.

US Navy SEAL Trident
The wheel is beautifully crafted using oak and walnut. The Trident is crafted from cherry, walnut and lyptus. Overall size is 26 by 34 inches approximately.

Boatswain's Mate Crossed Anchors Shadow Box 1
Beautifully crafted wheel in oak with walnut through tenon joinery and walnut crossed anchors. Inside display area measures 21" with an over all measurement of 33 by 33 approximately.

Eagle Globe and Anchor
Pride of the Marine Corps. Crafted in cherry, Walnut and Maple. Glass is etched with the western hemesphere. This item measures 36 by 40 inches approximately with a 21 inch display area. Starting at

Aircraft Carrier Shadow Box -1
Carefully crafted in oak with walnut trim. Flag case if for a 4' by 6'.

Aircraft Carrier Shadow Box-2
This design has a little more detail on the superstructure. The flight deck also has launch and recovery lines. Crafted in walnut and oak. Measures approx. 36 inches wide by 37 high.
See "Shop Shots" for other photos of this Carrier.

NMCB Shadow Box
Here is one for the Naval Mobile Construction Battalions. This design allowed us to display models of the equipment used by the "EO" it was designed for. Small modifications can be made to this design for other CB ratings. Models not included. Crafted in oak.

Aviation Boatswain's Mate Shadow Box
Show your naval aviation pride! Crafted in oak. This truely unique shadow box measures 5 feet across due to the flag size. This shadow box can be made smaller.